

HOLA! To find out who said this great quote and when they said it, you will have to read on... 

I hope you all have had the best week ever. I know I have! It's been a week full of work and crazy Potosi moments and I know that I am the luckiest person to get to serve here.

I know you're all dying to hear, so here are this week's TOP TEN PLAYS:

5. It May Be My Medicine: We were visiting a less active, T. She is so funny and always talks our ears off for two hours. Anyway... she has been having a hard time feeling the Spirit. We were reading Mosiah 27 with her and it talked about praying and fasting. She stops us and was like, "That's what I need to do. I need to fast to feel the Spirit!" Sister Turpin was like, "T, I know that you just received personal revelation and that the Spirit impressed that upon you." T, "yeah..... or it may just be my medicine!" No, it's the Spirit!
4. How Tall Was Jesus?: We were watching The Testaments with B, our recent convert. She was loving it. The movie showed a clip of Christ walking with His disciples and she goes, "How tall was Jesus? He had to be tall." I was just like, what? that is so irrelevant. And then it showed the people in the Americas and she goes, "Jesus didn't wear jewelry did He?" She always asks us interesting questions!
3. Love From the Pulpit: Testimony meeting was.... oh man.... a hoot. One of my favorite members Sister G bore her testimony. She talked about how she wants to have a Halloween birthday party with the missionaries and how we wear her out because we call her all the time..... and then she started talking about general conference and was like, "Dieter Uchtdorf.... not only is he good looking but a good talker too" I was trying so hard not to laugh! 
2. Gonna Read my Book of Norman: The Elders in my District had a baptism! Their investigator J is so awesome and I just can't wait to hang out with her in the Celestial Kingdom. She is probably my favorite person. She is crazy and I can't even accurately describe her to you because it won't do her justice. But anyway, I had met her once before because we took her with us to the Women's Broadcast a couple weeks ago. After she got baptized, Elder Quinn was giving a talk on the Holy Ghost and she just kept going, "mmhmmm. Amen. I gotta keep reading my Book of Norman." Wait hold up. Book of what? Norman. She calls it the Book of Norman. Don't ask me why.
1. 20 lbs of Red Meat: We met with our recent convert C. Our meetings with him are always entertaining and I have to mentally prepare myself for them because I just always want to laugh. Anyway... we pulled up to his house and I was feeling good. I was ready for a good, spiritual meeting with C. We were talking to him, asking about his day and stuff, and he starts talking about turtles and how he loves to eat turtle. So then he showed me a picture of a turtle and was like "I got 20 lbs of red meat from this one" and slapped his belly. Then goes, "Oh I think it jiggled!" Okay people. Game over. I was done. We started laughing and then I was done for the rest of the night. But wait it gets better. We read Ether 12 with him and were talking about humility. Now, he always likes to give these really deep insights to scriptures. He was talking about humility and goes, "Humility is being turned into lots of things. Like humiliation." Me: "mhmm. Yeah" C: "Yeah you know like HUMILITY IS HUMANITY." Sister Turpin: "Wow that should go on a quote wall." C: "Yeah maybe I'll use it to get me some dates." We are still a little confused about what that meant. If any of you can enlighten me as to what he might have meant... please let me know :)

5. Steve: We went over to talk to Steve about how we believe that Jehovah is Christ, since that is a concern of his. He got a little side-tracked and we ended up talking about the light of Christ and committed him again to pray with Rose to know if the Book of Mormon is true. We talked about prayer and he told me that when I bore my testimony on prayer a couple weeks ago that it really hit him. He also told us that he always feels good when we come over and we were like uhhh yeahhhh that's the Spirit bro! And then he said the closing prayer and the Spirit was so strong. He said they would pray to know and we are having dinner with them tonight and are hoping to commit them to baptism! Eeep! Fingers crossed!
4. Ron: So we taught Ron about tithing and fasting on Thursday. He said he would even fast this Sunday to get work off on Sundays. He was progressing so well. Well... we got a text from him yesterday that said that he has decided to go back to his old church. But he said he wants to still read the Book of Mormon. He agreed to let us come talk to him this Thursday so hopefully we can remind him why he wanted to get baptized in the first place. Keep him in your prayers!
3. Julie K: We taught her faith and repentance and talked about how going to church is an act of faith. She hasn't wanted to come to church and I think she just feels uncomfortable. But we set a "Church Timeframe" with her. She said she will be at church in November. Baby steps! We are excited for her and can truly see her desire to follow Christ.
2. Jordan: OUR NEW INVESTIGATOR! Yes, we finally got someone new to teach! She is a former investigator and we went over to check up on her. I want her to get baptized so bad. She is 16 and wanted to be baptized at one point. We talked with her and answered some questions she had and set up a time to go teach her this week. She was definitely a blessing sent to us because we had been praying specifically to pick up a new investigator this week. Prayers are answered people.
1. Tracy (less active): She came to church yesterday! She said she really enjoyed being there. She has such a strong desire to be active again and she is so close. She has gone through a lot but still has a strong testimony. Reactivation is so important and so cool to be a part of.

I know I say it every week but I love being a missionary. I love helping people come unto Christ. I have come to truly cherish my testimony as I have helped people either gain their own, or find theirs again. My challenge to you all is to write down your testimony this week. Don't try and make it sound complex.. just write it exactly how you feel. Then when you feel that you are wavering, you can pull that testimony out and it will remind you of what's truly important in your life. 

I hope you all have a great week. Thanks for all the prayers in my behalf. They are felt for sure!

sister hill

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